Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lunar Harmony Update

So I've finally been able to put some serious time into Lunar the last few days. It's been getting pretty exciting. The plot's moving at a good, pace, new characters are being introduced, and I'm loving every minute of it! Funny story....

So last night (2:30am)I'm playing a boss fight at a semi-critical point in the game it seems. So I wake up and the boss fight is complete and my PSP is still on. I was so confused. Did I beat the fight, because I don't remember doing that haha. The game has an AI feature, maybe it beat itself? I dunno either way I added an 6 or so hours to the game that never happened,lol.

So one thing I've noticed so far is that Lunar is better than Grandia, in pretty much every area. Now this is interesting because Lunar came out before Grandia on the Sega Saturn(although I'm playing the PSP remake) and Grandia came out on the PlayStation. You would think that it was the other way around that Grandia came first, they saw what needed to be fixed, and then made Lunar. I guess they may have been experimenting with Grandia. There are quite a few things different, but a lot of the same as well. Maybe they just couldn't top their original masterpiece? Not too sure.

One thing I've also noticed is there is quite a heavy emphasis on music in the story. Luna heals people with her magical songs, Alex plays the Ocarina, and another character in the game named Ghaleon plays what I assume is a Lute. Looking back when I first saw this game at a friends house I thought it was weird that there was a four disk special addition that you could buy with all kinds of extras. But there a lot of songs sung in the game that are memorable and I guess it would be nice to get a sound track with loads of extras.

I'm still enjoying everything about this game from the graphics, hand drawn style animated cut scenes, the story, and the battle system. I will say that I really get sick of fighting enemies in dungeons. It's fun to kill things for a bit, the after awhile it gets tedious because if you back track the enemies respawn. The enemies are actually seen on the map and you run into them to initiate a battle. I wouldn't mind it for a bit, but it makes the dungeons more of a chore at times and I'm just begging to get to whatever is at the end. 

Im anxious to see what happens next in the story because there is so many questions to be answered! I'd give the plot away but I don't wanna ruin it for those who haven't played it. Thanks for reading. Later gamers!

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