Tuesday, April 20, 2010

RPG Maker: One of the best game concepts ever

Okay so technically it's not really a game, more like software to make a game. But none the less when I saw a preview for this game I went crazy! It was set to be released in America in 2000, while already released in Japan in 1997. Sure the graphics were nothing more than a bad SNES game, but hey it was MY bad SNES game. It was so fun just to play around with tile sets to make towns, characters, monsters, and special attacks. This franchise became so popular that it would eventually produce (to my knowledge) 5 more titles with the same name. Each one including upgrades form the previous game that included better graphics, battle system, and event editor. There was 1 on the PS1, 2 on the PS2, 2 on the PC, and apparently one for the PSP.

Now I will admit I've played and/or owned every single title with the exclusion of the PSP game. You know what the saddest thing about all of this? I never completed a single game I started! I think my problem was that my imagination was bigger than the effort I was willing to put into making these games. I did get pretty far in a few of them and wrote outlines of stories. However, I never finished them. It was either due to boredom, interest in other things, or just plain forgetting about it at some point. Although I may not have completed a game this "game" created countless hours of entertainment and great memories with friends. We still talk about small projects we started but never finished.

So with all this renewed interest in  RPGs lately I decided to give it another go. I will say that I have the basic story idea and how long I think it will last. I have a bad feeling that once again I'll get in over my head and never finish it. But here's hoping I'll do it and make a good one! I'm planing on making it with VX version for the PC. It seems to be the most crisp, least amount of lag, plus the easy ability to upload custom titles and characters. There is a cool forum I found that hosts plenty of resources if you want to add them to your game. People also post their game for you to demo and play. I've only just modeled the exterior of the starting town and the main character, so don't expect anything soon. But I will keep updates going here and let you know if and when it's finished.

Me and a friend decided to make a game for each other to play when I get home in August. I'm hoping mine will be around 5 hours, while he's saying his will be 30mins-2 hours. Who knows! Anyways I'm excited and if I can figure out how to take screen shots I'll show you some towns I make. Here is a link to the forum if you wanna know more about it and also a link to the official site if you want to try the 30 day trial and make a game of your own!:

Until next time thanks for reading.  Later gamers!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun!

    On a side note, I think you can take screenshots just by using the 'snipping tool'. Its in Start > Al Programs > Accessories > Snipping Tool.

    Looking forward to seeing some pics!
