Sunday, May 16, 2010

God I hate Wild Arms

I've never seen an RPG, or game for that matter, like this. IT NEVER TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO NEXT! Usually in a good RPG it explains that the character needs to go to location X to do Y. But in Wild Arms you complete the event and that's it. No further dialog. You just explore around forever until you happen to stumble upon the next event in the game.

I got so sick of it and started using an online guide. If I never used it I'd probably still be roaming around and most likely would have stopped playing it. Whatever amount of hours it boasts to have is probably true. I'm around 16 hours or so in, but who knows how close I am to finishing it.

There are parts that thoroughly perplex me how someone is supposed to figure out without a guide. There are essential areas you need to go to that have no visible icon. There only invisible until you get close enough and then it reveals the name of the town/ dungeon. You also have to talk to random people in towns for the next part of the story to start up. Like a random guy in the bar, a mayor, etc. The crypticness knows no end!

It seriously isn't even fun anymore. Also, there are WAY too many random battles. I just wanna finish the damn thing!  The puzzles are still fun, but man the whole game feels like one big puzzle.

What do I do next? Who knows!

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