Monday, June 21, 2010

Recent Purchase

So a week or two ago I went on a spending binge and I bought a good amount of games to add to my collection. Now the picture to the side isn't one of my games, but it might as well be. I have 17/30 games shown in the picture. The only difference is mine are ALL black label =). In fact I went on such a binge that my bank froze my  card because they thought it had been stolen. The person I talked with on the phone recommended setting up a second account just for ebay buying to prevent my card from being frozen. I didn't even know such a thing existed. I think she was just trying to set me up with another account.

Anyways here is the list of game I scooped up: Breath of Fire 3+4, Dragon Valor, Eternal Eyes, FF Anthology+Origins, Jade Cocoon, Kartia, Lunar 2, Rhapsody, Shadow Madness, Tales of Destiny, and Thousand Arms. I got so many because a good chunk of these were $15 or under being sold by the same guy with FREE SHIPPING. So I gobbled 'em all up before someone else did!

Now with that said I have a lot to go, including most of the expensive ones (Suikoden II, Tales 2, the Personas, etc). I also decided to include 2 more games to the grand total list to make it 70 games. Those 2 games being Brigandine and FF Tactics. They were on so many lists and I'm probably going to buy Brigandine eventually (I own FFT) so I thought why not.

Well that's all the updates for now. Look for the Suikoden review soon as well as the launch of the new design for the blog. Thanks for reading. Later Gamers!

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